Here's to our exuberant, adventurous and light-filled, travel companion, Katie Gavin!
I found this amazing picture on her facebook page. She has been on so many adventures it was hard to choose what I felt was a good representation of all her super powers. |
Katie and I have been friends since 1999. We were roommates for a few years, along with a posse of other amazing women. There is no doubt in my mind that "like attracts like". I felt extremely grateful back then and I continue to feel thankful for our friendships to this day. Here's a few glimpses into the past:
Left: Katie and I in 2002 Right: Me and Katie present day. |
A few of us girls having a magical night at Lake Waccamaw, 2003 |
One of the many late night dance parties in our kitchen. Katie proceeded to jump from the counter onto a cantaloupe shortly after this picture. |
Our friendships were/are genuine, hilarious, powerful and full of love. We were a lucky bunch to have found each other. The experiences we had are now stories we tell with tears in our eyes and laughter in our bellies, from spontaneous trips(New York, New Orleans, or any locale or festivity that captured our interest), all of our Wilmington debauchery and the heartfelt, deep moments that carried us through some of life's most intense ups and downs(my Mom passing away, Katie getting into graduate school and so many other important events of our life). 
And so the adventure continues! Katie and I live our dream life, traveling the US, exploring new lands around our country and new lands within ourselves. She plans to be with Greg and I, for most of our tour this year. We both share many dreams and aspirations that are miraculously in's just so EXCITING! But back to Katie, she has enriched an already enriching experience in many ways. Before I begin my doting on her, I want to point out some magic available to us all - manifesting abundance of what you want and need into your life. Katie, is a prime example of manifesting miracles into my world. There are many things that I wanted to have more of in my life...more healthy eating, more balance and more focus in achieving goals. Well, having Katie with us has brought, with abundance all of these things, I wanted more in my life.

Greg and I have been for a few years, making better decisions on eating healthy(eating more raw foods, green smoothies, smaller food portions, drinking more water, etc). Well, we wanted to take this healthy eating up a notch, like incorporating more high quality foods, eating less processed foods, etc. Voila! Katie turns out to be quite the illustrious, healthy food chef who has introduced me to another world of eating deliciously healthy.
This isn't one of "Katie's Beet Salads" but it's a glimpse of the amazingness we put into our bodies on a daily basis. What is really uncanny is in my "fun, manifesting dreams and desires" I specifically wanted to eat fresh beets. We now eat her beet salad on a weekly basis. That's just crazy! |
Her qualities, gifts and beauty extend to many things, not just healthy eating, but I would say that the theme to her super powers does revolve around being healthy-mind, body and spirit. She is on her own mission to make choices and live a life that is healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is a natural byproduct that her attributes influence those around her. Greg and I lucked out in upgrading our life! Not only is she a positive influence in bountiful ways, but her and I have many of the same intentions in our life. We make the perfect team to achieve our goals(this is also an example of how Katie coming with us is something I other words, a dream come true). We started this 12-Week course together called "The Artist's Way". This course has opened Katie and I to unbelievable opportunities in our lives already.
What Katie and I have gleaned from this deserves it's own blog post |
On a daily basis, we practice yoga, meditate, process life on many levels, explore the areas we find ourselves in, step outside of our comfort zones, run and many other uplifting activities. She is a major reason behind all of these soul-and-body-nourishing endeavors. She's a catalyst! I like to call her Katie "Action" Gavin. She is always up for worthy crusades whether they be rock climbing, kayaking, intuitive development, dancing with abandon to Old Crow Medicine Show, Full Moon celebrations, etc! No stranger to exotic locations, she brings a unique understanding to being a traveler. She's been to many places in Europe and lived in Hawaii for two years, which means she has many tricks of the trade to bestow on our North American safari. It has only been a month and a half and we've already experienced so much! Somehow she manages to have all these ventures while being a massage therapist/physical therapist to Greg's work family. I'm so happy to have one of my best friends beside me in this wild nomadic adventure.
I started playing around with this picture in photoshop to take myself out of it and make it cool and before I knew it, it turned into a tomboy glamour shot. |
We've been on many spectacular excursions together in our 15 year friendship and are now in the midst of quite an extraordinary pilgrimage. From the moment we set out on this expedition to the present, I've experienced such expansion, evolution and joy...and I thank Katie for being a integral part in this growth as a human being.
I just wish we all could have a Katie "Action" Gavin in our lives to encourage, boost and catapult us to our higher selves.