Thursday, April 30, 2015

Getting back into the swing of things

I began a 30 day blog challenge in the beginning of 2010 to catapult myself into writing.  It was a great baby step that lead to many other adventures outside and within.  There were times I continued to write about experiencing life and there definitely have been times I chose not to write, but to just experience it.  Here I am, five years later, deciding I want to commit to writing again.  I'm sticking with the same theme...seeing every day of life as an adventure.  This is such an important thread in my life that I would love to share with anyone that it resonates with.  Here is a short snippet from my first blog post that explains the intention behind the endeavor then and still rings true five years later.  

What is Fergitude  It is the attitude that every day is an adventure

A choose-your-own adventure that is better than any book or movie you will encounter because it is your life. This will be my first attempt at a blog. My goal is to journal my journey through everyday life with the "fergitude"(mindset that each and every moment is a grand adventure). I am doing this to empower myself and perhaps anyone out there who can identify with this vision. I am doing this to stay mindful, to stay present in this beautiful life.  My mission is to relish everyday, to experience, to love those around me and to love me. 

I am currently leading a life that I only dreamed about in the past.  I travel North America with my husband, our dog and this year, one of my best friends, Katie.  We are nomads that drive to beautiful destinations in our continent to experience it with what Greg coined as "Fergitude".  Greg is the reason this is all possible.  He is a Quartermaster of music festivals and we get to travel with our home attached to us, to all these amazing events.  While Greg is quarter mastering festivals, Katie and I spend our time making our dreams come true(adventuring, immersing ourselves in creativity and many other fantastical things).  There will be posts dedicated to elaborating more on all of this.  We were just recently in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a month and now we are in Atlanta, Georgia for a month.  There is much to explain and stories to tell.  I look forward to sharing it all with you.  

Disclosure:  I have amazing internet connection currently but that has not always been the case in the past.  I will do what it takes to post at least once a week in areas that do not have strong internet and hopefully more in areas abundantly connected.