Sunday, January 6, 2013

Reflections to Celebrations

Oh, what a year!  As I reflected on 2012, many memories frolicked through my mind reminding me of the happiness I had experienced.  Of course, there were some memories that were not dancing through my mind...oozing, limping, tromping.  What is a yearly reflection without taking in the hard times.  Who of us out there haven't had both?  I wanted to make sure I embraced all of them.  After all the reflections, I realized that the good definitely outweighed the bad AND that all of the experiences were valuable especially the ones I deemed difficult.  And then, I celebrated!!

I celebrated and celebrate all that I have experienced so far and all that I have ahead of me.  Most of all, I celebrate my present.  I'm hopeful, optimistic and EXCITED about 2013!  There is just something magical and wonderful about this year.  I believe it will be filled with many amazing moments for all of us.  Of course we may have a few struggles, difficulties or tough times to overcome but the good will always prevail!!!!  2013, here we come!

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