Jessica came to Vegas! From a few weeks ago. |
Today's a special day! It's my sister-in-law's birthday, a formidable full moon AND I got my hair cut from a place called, Radically Curly (pictures to come). I love my sister-in-law, she has treated me like a sister from the moment she met me. She's one of the reason's I started dabbling into my creative inspirations many years ago. I'm honored to have her as family and proud of her many accomplishments (excelling in her career, bought her own home, lots of fun adventures and so much more). Not only did I get the man of my dreams with Greg but was gifted an amazing family that came with him.
Speaking of my husband, his birthday is tomorrow AND it's a big one! For that reason, tonight's blog post will be short. I'll resume the treasure stories this weekend.
Happy Full Moon everyone! Remember to shower yourself with much self-love and compassion today, because it was a wild one!
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