Lisa won the third treasure quest prize package by answering four of the riddles and applying the themes to her life. I loved getting a glimpse into how the quest related to her experiences. I met Lisa this past November at a canvas painting party. She's one of those people you meet in life that you instantly feel a spark of connection and magic. It's like she sparkles. Above is her treasure collection. Starting from the left, you'll see the herbal tea from my collection. I chose
Mint Tea for Lisa because they both (Lisa and the tea) are refreshing and delightful! I wanted to include tea in the treasure packages to signify how important it is to take a moment and enjoy a good cup of tea when living an adventurous life.
Found this image on etsy |
The mint tea in Lisa's treasure has many benefits and here are a few: boosts immunity, improves digestion, treats nausea and headaches, reduces fever, treats respiratory disorders, freshens breath, weight loss, prevents memory loss, reduces stress levels and fatigue. Next, in the treasure picture above, you see Lisa's serene
card. I chose this card for Lisa because it's how I envision her soaring into her dream life - peaceful, confidently and with abundance all around her. On top of the card is the
tree doubloon ~ there is a special place in my heart for trees and this celtic tree has a sacred message on the flip side of coin that was chosen specifically for Lisa. The
heart is found in all quest winner packages as a emblem of our heart being such an important guide in our life. The word printed on Lisa's heart charm is "shine", as a reminder to her to shine her brilliant light. Next, is a journal with glowing gold letters and a message we all deserve to hear, "I believe in you". I chose this journal for Lisa because her presence in the quest instilled this very message within me. I wanted her to know, I believe in her too. On the journal lies an arrow and a key. To me, these treasures point to an exciting and fulfilling quest is being lived or on the horizon. The
arrow speaks of focus, determination and being in flow in our journey. The
key ~ found in every package sent, represents each adventurer being able to access the many gateways to riches in our individual journeys. Something I have yet to explain is the
Louise Hay affirmation cards that were sent to most of the treasure receivers. I was introduced to this author's wonderful works many years ago. I included affirmation cards in many of the packages to represent how powerful our minds are in our journey. They're like a boost of positivity! These cards can be kept for oneself or left as little acts of kindness in random places for someone to find. On top of Lisa's affirmation cards are six treasures. The
rose quartz, gifted to each of the treasure winners symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, nourishment and a sense of fulfillment and contentment. As we all navigate this wild ride of life, the rose quartz treasure reminds us to make sure we gift ourselves the self-love and nurturing that we need along the way. The
clear crystal quartz was an intimate piece of mine and Greg's collection gifted to each fellow quest mate. Greg and I mined these clear crystals ourselves during our 9th anniversary adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year I wanted each person to know how special they are to me for traveling along this quest path. The
green onyx dragon figurine represents Lisa's fierce ability to overcome any obstacle in her path and her gumption to live life to the fullest. The stone dragon speaks to courage, confidence and positive support.
The medallion, "Slay Your Own Dragon" was the cherry on top for Lisa's treasure package! It made me think of some of conversations that were sparked during the quest. This medallion represents Lisa's ability to overcome obstacles, especially the self imposed ones. I relate to this and I hope it made sense to Lisa. We are able to slay our own "dragons". In her treasure, the dragon represents her power and also that which she triumphs over (looks like I'll be writing a separate post to this subject). The
bright pink stone charm personifies the beaming charisma I felt when I met Lisa.
The hematite ring - as in the epic movies based on Tolkien's books, there was a powerful ring involved, this hematite ring was given to each of the treasure quest winners as a symbol of powerful connection to this planet, to each other and to the world. It symbolizes us making way for more positivity into our life through our logical thinking, self-esteem, focus and being grounded. And the
casino token represents the luck we find in our life when we strive for our dreams - when we stretch, play and leap out of our comfort zones to live life to the fullest.
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