Monday, February 5, 2018

Unlikely Portals

Today, I felt stuck and lethargic.  It happens to the best of us.  I'm realizing that even these times in our lives, the ones we would rather not feel, are beneficial.  In these moments, something incredible might be brewing.  What to do when we find ourselves in a place like this?  Love ourselves exactly where we are.  Embrace whatever it is that we are feeling, know that at the moment, we are in the perfect place.  I'm still learning this allowing.  Even as I type, I think, "did I do this for myself in the midst of my discomfort".  No, I did not, entirely.  That's okay too.  I'm doing it now and I feel lighter!  

Today is day four in our treasure quest.  Below is a picture of me standing in what I envision as a portal.  Can you find what is hidden in the picture?  It provides a means of gaining access to or understanding of something.  


  1. Replies
    1. YES!!!! The key to a magical, mysterious portal! How exciting! Oh, I love you!!!!!
