Sunday, February 11, 2018

Magical Jackpot Day!

The last day of our treasure quest is here!!!  What a trip!  As I mentioned in previous posts, this ten day adventure has been such a delight and has offered many jewels of wisdom for me, along the way.  I hope that my fellow explorers have enjoyed themselves as well.  Thank you for coming along!  💖

There has been three consistent themes in each day of our ten day treasure hunt.  One of the themes has been an object, sometimes in plain view and sometimes hidden.

The riddle to solve the entire quest is to discover what essential object has been present throughout our journey. ⭐

Find the object (sometimes in plain view, sometimes hidden) that is in all 10 days of the treasure quest posts - Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 and today's picture.

In the picture above, I've hidden many images but only one of them will you find in all ten treasure quest posts.  Good luck Wayfarers!!!

There are treasures in every day of our life if we are open to them.  It's been a pleasure to play around with this idea and even more fun that I'll be sending a magical jackpot to three of you!!!  xoxo

As a reminder, here are who the winner's will be:

  • the person who solved the most individual post riddles 
  • the first person to solve the final riddle on February 11th
  • and a mystery champion - how they are selected will be revealed at the end.

  • Extra credit:  I mentioned there are three themes in every single treasure quest post.  If you really want a challenge, discover what three I am referring to.  This task is much more difficult.


    1. I see the compass in each post.
      Themes: imagine, play & trust

    2. WOW, Katie!!!!!! Yes, the compass is in each post. AND you are the first to attempt the theme. Ohhhh, yes imagine, play and trust are VERY much a theme. FABULOUS!
