Saturday, February 3, 2018

Our Guide

We are on day two of our treasure quest pilgrimage.  If you are just joining us, journey over here, to find out what we are up to.  Today's riddle...

What Am I?

I am your strength but can make you feel weak.
You can lose me but still keep me.
I can be closed but am most powerful open.
I guide you daily but some do not listen.  


  1. Replies
    1. Oh Katie! WOW. I had no idea this portal was going to take us such places. Your answer is not what I originally wrote the riddle for but it also is. Much will be written in response to this challenge. <3

    2. Cool, maybe intuition or inner guidance? 😁

    3. It's all in the mind. I like to believe it can be overcome by the spirit
