Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lisa's Treasure Story

Lisa won the third treasure quest prize package by answering four of the riddles and applying the themes to her life.  I loved getting a glimpse into how the quest related to her experiences.  I met Lisa this past November at a canvas painting party.  She's one of those people you meet in life that you instantly feel a spark of connection and magic.  It's like she sparkles.  Above is her treasure collection.  Starting from the left, you'll see the herbal tea from my collection.  I chose Mint Tea for Lisa because they both (Lisa and the tea) are refreshing and delightful!  I wanted to include tea in the treasure packages to signify how important it is to take a moment and enjoy a good cup of tea when living an adventurous life.
Found this image on etsy
The mint tea in Lisa's treasure has many benefits and here are a few:  boosts immunity, improves digestion, treats nausea and headaches, reduces fever, treats respiratory disorders, freshens breath, weight loss, prevents memory loss, reduces stress levels and fatigue.  Next, in the treasure picture above, you see Lisa's serene card.  I chose this card for Lisa because it's how I envision her soaring into her dream life - peaceful, confidently and with abundance all around her.  On top of the card is  the tree doubloon ~ there is a special place in my heart for trees and this celtic tree has a sacred message on the flip side of coin that was chosen specifically for Lisa.  The heart is found in all quest winner packages as a emblem of our heart being such an important guide in our life.  The word printed on Lisa's heart charm is "shine", as a reminder to her to shine her brilliant light.  Next, is a journal with glowing gold letters and a message we all deserve to hear, "I believe in you".  I chose this journal for Lisa because her presence in the quest instilled this very message within me.  I wanted her to know, I believe in her too.  On the journal lies an arrow and a key.  To me, these treasures point to an exciting and fulfilling quest is being lived or on the horizon.  The arrow speaks of focus, determination and being in flow in our journey.   The key ~ found in every package sent, represents each adventurer being able to access the many gateways to riches in our individual journeys.  Something I have yet to explain is the Louise Hay affirmation cards that were sent to most of the treasure receivers.  I was introduced to this author's wonderful works many years ago.  I included affirmation cards in many of the packages to represent how powerful our minds are in our journey.  They're like a boost of positivity!  These cards can be kept for oneself or left as little acts of kindness in random places for someone to find.  On top of Lisa's affirmation cards are six treasures.  The rose quartz, gifted to each of the treasure winners symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, nourishment and a sense of fulfillment and contentment.  As we all navigate this wild ride of life, the rose quartz treasure reminds us to make sure we gift ourselves the self-love and nurturing that we need along the way.  The clear crystal quartz was an intimate piece of mine and Greg's collection gifted to each fellow quest mate.  Greg and I mined these clear crystals ourselves during our 9th anniversary adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year  I wanted each person to know how special they are to me for traveling along this quest path.  The green onyx dragon figurine represents Lisa's fierce ability to overcome any obstacle in her path and her gumption to live life to the fullest.   The stone dragon speaks to courage, confidence and positive support.

The medallion, "Slay Your Own Dragon" was the cherry on top for Lisa's treasure package!  It made me think of some of conversations that were sparked during the quest.  This medallion represents Lisa's ability to overcome obstacles, especially the self imposed ones.  I relate to this and I hope it made sense to Lisa.  We are able to slay our own "dragons".  In her treasure, the dragon represents her power and also that which she triumphs over (looks like I'll be writing a separate post to this subject).  The bright pink stone charm personifies the beaming charisma I felt when I met Lisa.  The hematite ring - as in the epic movies based on Tolkien's books, there was a powerful ring involved, this hematite ring was given to each of the treasure quest winners as a symbol of powerful connection to this planet, to each other and to the world.  It symbolizes us making way for more positivity into our life through our logical thinking, self-esteem, focus and being grounded.  And the casino token represents the luck we find in our life when we strive for our dreams - when we stretch, play and leap out of our comfort zones to live life to the fullest.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Katie's Treasure Story

What is impressive about Katie's quest win is she had taken a sabbatical from Facebook during the time of the quest.  Instead of letting that stop her from coming along for the fun, she made the decision to go directly to my blog spot to participate.  I think she enjoyed the challenges of the quest but I believe the main reason she was such a consistent presence was because she wanted to support one of her best friends.  ðŸ’—My heart overflows with the gratitude of having a friend like her.  Katie answered every riddle and was the only treasure seeker to to give the extra credit riddle a shot.  There is nothing in this world like a friend who joins you for your wild excursions with a smile on her face and an open heart.

The story behind her treasures begins at the top left corner of the picture above.  Her card, the Rising Phoenix, a mythical bird in the colors of fire (red, orange, yellow and blue) symbolizes Katie's indestructible spirit, creative abilities, strength and the clarity, transformation and renewal that she is experiencing in her life at present.  Below her Phoenix card is "The Goonies", one of the movies that inspired my obsession with quests, adventures and intrigue (post coming soon about the Goonie club and obstacle course of my youth).  Giving her this movie is fitting on many levels.  One, her and I have been on countless escapades that would make the Goonies proud (stories of these should be upcoming posts).  Two, I envisioned that once her and her Boulder, CO buddies had enjoyed a movie night, that this adventure movie could go on it's own adventure.  It could be the traveling Goonie movie, finding it's way to treasure seekers all over.
Below "The Goonies" movie in the picture at the top is Tulsi Tea.  I chose for almost all the treasure winners a tea from my collection of herbal teas.  For Katie, Tulsi Tea, also known as Holy Basil - "Queen of Herbs".  Here's a few health benefits that Tulsi is known for:  reduce stress, weight loss, headache relief, respiratory benefits, skin and hair benefits, digestive system benefits, cardiovascular benefits, reduces fevers, dental and oral health, dissolves kidney stones, reduces risk of diabetes, anti-cancer, aids in quitting smoking, aids the nervous system and helps with arthritis.  Beside the tea is the Las Vegas casino token as a reminder of the luck we create when we strive for our heart's desire.  Next to the token is the marvelous sea urchin spine connecting Katie to her love of the ocean and reminding her of her immense strength.  These sea urchin spines are so strong and uniquely architected by Nature that scientists are learning how to utilize their intelligent nanostructure.    In the area of the urchin spine is also the heart found in all quest winner packages as a emblem of our heart being such an important guide in our life.  Each heart has a word specific to the individual receiving it, Katie's word is Bliss.  Continuing to the right is a fascinating "cycles of the year" moon calendar.  It is read from the center, outwards in an expanding spiral.  It's a nod to how in-tune Katie is with nature and her rhythms.  Above the cycle calendar is Katie's journal, "the journey is the adventure".  She has lived some epic adventures that have taken her all over the globe and this journal reminds me of the indomitable spirit of fun and exploration she embodies every day of her life.  On top of the journal are five treasures.  The tree doubloon ~ as I've mentioned, trees are very special to me for many reasons and this celtic tree has a sacred message on the flip side of coin that was chosen for Katie, alone.  A key ~ symbolic for all treasure questers that represents each adventurer being able to access the many gateways to riches in our individual journeys.  The hematite ring - as in the epic movies based on Tolkien's books, there was a powerful ring involved, this hematite ring was given to each of the treasure quest winners as a symbol of powerful connection to this planet, to each other and to the world.  It symbolizes us making way for more positivity into our life through our logical thinking, self-esteem, focus and being grounded.  There is an arrow with a blue point.  Katie and I share sister arrows.  They represent our connection to each other and how we stand beside each other in our pursuit of our life's purpose.  The arrow also represents our laser pointed focus on our intentions and how in the flow we are with our dreams.  The rose quartz, gifted to each of the treasure winners symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, nourishment and a sense of fulfillment and contentment.  As we all navigate this wild ride of life, the rose quartz treasure reminds us to make sure we gift ourselves the self-love and nurturing that we need along the way.  The clear crystal quartz was an intimate piece of mine and Greg's collection gifted to each fellow quest mate.  Greg and I mined these clear crystals ourselves during our 9th anniversary adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year  I wanted each person to know how special they are to me for traveling along this quest path.  Beside the journal, a green onyx(also known as Chalcedony quartz) lion representing Katie the Leo, the lionhearted and her fierce ability to excel at anything she puts her mind to.  The stone boosts her super powers of positive energy, confidence and courage.  The butterfly, in the same colors as the Phoenix card and like the Phoenix, symbolize the transformation and expansion that Katie has attained and is continuing to attain.  Beneath the butterfly and lion, is a painting with a quote that reminds me of how Katie lives her life.  Above the quote is another painting that reads "Great Creator".  A few years ago, Katie lived with Greg and I in our nomadic travels for a few months.  Her and I were able to have some amazing experiences together, including "The Artist's Way", which is where that treasure came from.  ðŸ’–

Tomorrow, I'll explore the story and meanings of Lisa's treasure package. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Treasure Trove Tango

Today I want to spend some quality time exploring the symbolism in the mystery, magic treasure packages that were sent to the three winners of the quest.  I also sent honorable mention treasure packages to six adventurers who played a significant role in the quest, as well.  I am assuming (but not completely sure) all treasures have made it to their rightful owners with the exception of our international winner (hers has to travel across the "pond").  I will follow up with a post in the next few days describing the meaning behind the contents in the honorable mention treasure packets.  
D Rose was such a force in the unfolding of the treasure quest.  From day one, she did not miss a beat or post.  She tackled each riddle with detective eyes and a playful heart.  Her joyful participation fueled me along in the quest.  I was honored to have her take such an avid interest in this experience. Starting from left to right in the picture above, I would like to tell the story of her treasures.  The card is a colorful, vibrant, full of pizazz "thank you" card.  This card's personality reminds me of D Rose.  She is bright, strong and full of vibrant love.  I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her presence in the quest.  Next, you see a turquoise calendar with the bible verse, "Be Still".  This treasure item symbolizes many of D Rose's super powers - intentional, dedicated, faithful, playful and  dynamic.  She approached the quest as I imagine she approaches all things in life - committed, thorough, infusing her own unique flair and full of vitality.  On the calendar are three small but special treasures - a cross for her incredible faith, a key ~ symbolic for all treasure questers that represents each adventurer being able to access the many gateways to riches in our individual journeys and the tree doubloon ~ there are a few treasures that have connection not only with the recipient of the treasure but also the connection we now have through our journey together.  This tree is very special to me for many reasons and there's a sacred message on the flip side of the tree coin that is unique to the treasure winner.  Next, you'll see a journal with a tropical bird on it.  I wanted the three winners to have journals that reminded me of them.  This journal is classy and quality with touch of vivacious fun.  A journal for each quest winner to use in their journey as they see fit.  On the journal lies seven treasures.  The rose quartz, gifted to each of the treasure winners symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, nourishment and a sense of fulfillment and contentment.  As we all navigate this wild ride of life, the rose quartz treasure reminds us to make sure we gift ourselves the self-love and nurturing that we need along the way.  The green onyx(this stone is known as a quartz and an onyx) bird figurine represents D Rose's soaring strength, joy, benevolent spirit and her enthusiasm for life.  This stone bird is a beacon of balance, self-confidence, happiness and good-fortune.  The sea urchin spine personifies the spunk, moral fiber and fortitude that D Rose exhibits and that we all need in our expeditions of life.  The clear crystal quartz was an intimate piece of mine and Greg's collection gifted to each fellow quest mate.  Greg and I mined these clear crystals ourselves during our 9th anniversary adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year  I wanted each person to know how special they are to me for traveling along this quest path.  The hematite ring - just as in the epic movies based on Tolkien's books, there was a powerful ring involved, this hematite ring was given to each of the treasure quest winners as a symbol of powerful connection to this planet, to each other and to the world.  It symbolizes us making way for more positivity into our life through our logical thinking, self-esteem, focus and being grounded.  There is a heart in each of the treasure quest winner packages with one word that reminded me of the specific winner.  In D's treasure chest, her heart says Joy.  The heart speaks to much in our quest as I described here.  Unique to D Rose's gift of treasures is the rose that is lying on her journal.  I wanted to make sure there was a special rose incorporated into her treasure as a way of honoring her name, and was delighted when I found this one.  As we travel right in the picture above, you'll see a colorful painting with the bible verse, "Love Never Fails".  I thought this was a beautiful tribute to D Rose's essence.  And her treasure package would not have been complete without a flamingo somewhere in the mix.  I was overjoyed when I found, "Embrace Your Inner Flamingo" piece.  I hope when she sees this flamingo she is reminded what a wonderful impact she has on those in her life by being her.  Almost all the treasure recipients received a tea from my own healing herbal tea collection.  I chose the bursting with color, full of nourishment, Hibiscus Tea for D Rose.  Here's a few of the health benefits of Hibiscus:  manages blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, protects the liver, anti-cancer properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, relieves menstrual pain, anti-depressant qualities, improves digestion, satiates thirst, etc.  Last but not least is a piece my husband wanted to make sure was incorporated.  We made sure each package had a vivaaaaaaaa Las Vegas token.  The token represents the luck we find in our life when we strive for our dreams - when we stretch, play and leap out of our comfort zones to live life to the fullest.  

When I envisioned describing each treasure piece for the three winners, I did not realize the extent I wanted to write about them.  To make sure Katie and Lisa's treasure stories get as much attention and quality time, I've decided to dedicate tomorrow's post to describing each of their magical treasures.  Thank you for your patience!  xoxoxo

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Our Inner GPS

The last ten plus days, I've been describing how each of the riddle answers from the treasure quest have a special place in my life.  Day ten's riddle answer was this compass rose:
It was hidden in all ten posts of the treasure quest.  To me, the compass rose is symbolic of being guided from within.  Our amazing navigation system made up of our heart, mind, feelings and our connection to that which is much larger than ourselves.  When I see this image, it reminds me that we are all on our own amazing life adventure.  Each day, we listen to the call of our dreams and walk toward those brilliant colored horizons.  No matter where we are in our lives, each day presents to us a brand new leg of our journey.  It's a gift we receive from the moment we open our eyes.  Yes, even those foggy, challenging days are a grand part of this epic odyssey.  They sure don't feel grand in the moment, but each experience has treasures to be discovered.  The obstacles and our times of struggle usually have hidden some of the most valuable booty to be found.

Today wraps up all the riddle answers and how meaningful they are and have been to my life's quest. Tomorrow, I'll write about the special meanings behind the treasures that were sent to our quest winners and honorable mentions.

Hope everyone has had a delightful weekend and that you were extra sweet to yourself with a lot of self-compassion and self-love.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Learning from Trees

The answer to the ninth riddle in the treasure quest was a verse in a song written and sung by a faery.  The adventurers on the quest had to find a lyric in the song that pertained to that day's blog theme.  Here's the verse:  
"Sister tree, you are a friend to me. Sister tree, you show me how to be. In the Autumn time, I watch your colors show. You teach me to let go and you are beautiful. And in the Autumn time, you teach me to let go and let my colors show and I am beautiful."
In the song, the artist tells a story of the profound wisdoms she has learned, through the seasons, from her beloved family of trees.  Have a listen...

There are many themes found in the ninth treasure quest day that are dear to me.  My sister, trees, my friend's who are sisters and how all three have taught me so much in life, including what Ash Tree Faery sings..."you teach me to let go, let my colors show and I am beautiful".

I'll be turning 40 this year and am embracing even more than I ever have of these invaluable wisdoms.  To let go and release the limitations (worry, fear of disapproval, etc) that may have interfered in the past from me showing up as my authentic self.  Each day that I write to you in this blog, I'm letting go more and more.  In the past, I worried about how you would receive me or not receive me.  I worried that I would be judged.  These thoughts/concerns/worries in the past would have either kept me from continuing on or even beginning.  I'm not saying that these old thoughts have gone away.  I am saying that I am more aware of them and how they have not served my highest good in the past.  Nowadays, I notice them and remind myself that I do not have to let them guide my life.  Instead, I let my heart guide me.  Let my colors show and I am beautiful!  Through the release of what I just described, I open myself to let my colors show, with heart wide open and embrace the unique beauty that I am.

I appreciate being able to share this with you, whoever is here with me.  You are a part of this journey I am on.  I hope as I share about my quest, that it enriches yours.  For today and all of our days, let us learn from the trees, from our sisters and our brothers, from this sweet song - to let go, let our colors show and to always remember we are beautiful, just the way we are.

PS...while I was writing this blog post, Greg calls me in from the other room to see Olympic ice skater from Russia, Alina Zagitova do her final skate.  Now that is one 15 year old who has truly embraced the wisdom I am describing!  15 years old!  WOW.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thoughts Create

"The magic starts in your thoughts" was the answer to our eighth day of the treasure quest.  Each of the riddle answers were chosen for how special they are to life's journey, according to moi.  This one is especially dear to me.

When I say magic, I'm referring to the indescribable things that make life special.  There will come a time in the near future when I will attempt to put more "describable' words to my definition of magic.  What a tall order that will be, but oh, so delectable.  When I say "the magic starts in our thoughts",  I mean experiencing our life in all it's wonder begins by us believing that it is in fact, wonder-filled.  Take this quote for example:
Everything begins with a thought, and thoughts are turned into plans, and plans into reality.— Marshall Sylver 
It was such a mind opening moment when I first read that quote.  I was like..."oh, why yes, that is how it goes, doesn't it?!"  How empowering to know that within our own mind, we have the ability to create our life, as we desire it to be.  Something this simple, you think to yourself, "I'm hungry".  Then, you think, "I'm going to make myself a sandwich".  Your reality becomes you eating that sandwich you made yourself.  I think this kind of "magic" plays out in all our thoughts.  The more we fill our minds with the kind of life we want to live, the kind of world we want to see...the more we will begin to see those very things.

With this blog, I'm sharing my journey and how I enjoy seeing the world.  My desire from the beginning when I first created this platform, is to chronicle this outstanding odyssey I'm on, hoping to become more aware and possibly enhance other's paths along the way.

Thanks for coming along.  ðŸ’—

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Warm Up

Why not just jump on into a few of my intentions from yesterday - leaping into video and playing.  Just a corny little start, that's all.  You know... to get warmed up.  First, a quick video on the way back from walking Captain.

Then...I thought, I should get one of me actually leaping...since I was showcasing what a a cornball I am.  So, I enlisted the help of my incredible husband to video me leaping into the video intention.

I know these are silly, but it's how I roll sometimes.  Plus, it's a start.  That's all ya need sometimes, right?  Just a little leap, a little step.  I'm envisioning something special unfolding, we'll see how it goes!  Each post since the end of the treasure quest, I've been dedicating contemplation to the riddle answers.  This fits into what I talked about yesterday with riddle 6 and it also touches on riddle 7, which was a frolicsome, playful post with Sparky the Prairie Dog as the riddle answer.
Greg snapped a pic as I sat down to write today.
Looking forward to much more fun in this realm AND diving in a little deeper into life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

From Stillness to Leaping

From stillness, to the thoughts of leaping out of comfort zones.  On the New Moon in January, I was inspired to begin writing in this old blog space of mine.  I decided to hold my feet to the fire by committing to write a blog post daily.  I'm happy to say I've stuck with that intention for a little over a month.  As I type, I'm celebrating with a warm cup of cacao.  Now, it's time to stretch a little more.  One of the ways I'm going to play outside of my comfort zone is incorporate videos into my shares.

Leap, stretch and play were the answers to riddle number 6 of the treasure quest.  They're words that come to mind when I think of moving outside of comfort zones in order to grow and get better.  To leap is to joyfully, with enthusiasm, move towards a goal that may scare you.  To stretch is to inch forward toward growth and achieving your dreams.  To play is to remember that living life to the fullest is one of the reasons we're here.

Whether we're leaping, stretching or playing outside of our comfort zones, it's good to remember we need it all.  We need stillness like yesterday's post, the leaping of this post and everything in between. As long as we are tuning into our heart and body, we'll know what we need in each moment.

Another way I plan to grow, is move a little deeper into the topics I write about.  Sometimes I feel I rush these shares with you.  I'll dedicate more sacred time to this dear endeavor and dive even deeper into what I'm inspired to write about.

So here they are!  Ways I will shimmy on outside of regions that are comfy to me.

  • leap into videos in the blog and elsewhere
  • stretch into deeper posts
  • play, play, play with fun experiences to share with you
Ooooo,  it's even a little out of my comfort zone to list it out like that for all to see.  It means I better get to stepping!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Praying Mantis Pose

Wooooo!  I was able to get the main three treasure quest winner packages out today.  The other six explorers will have their treasure packages go out tomorrow.  The great news is they're all two day delivery with the exception of the international package.  I still need to figure that process out.   😜

It was a whirlwind of a day.  To be extra sweet to myself I'm gonna let the Praying Mantis be my spirit animal tonight.  That means this evening will be all about stillness and patience.  Self-compassion, self-love and self-care are vital.  I don't think many of us were taught to take care of ourselves in this way, I know I wasn't.  It seems this doesn't come natural to most of the people I encounter.

Self-compassion, self-love and self-care is a whole lot of the word "self" but it is far from selfish.  In order to be all that we can be to those in our lives and to the world, we must take time in our lives to relax, nourish and be in stillness.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Spice of my Life

Imagination was the answer to day five's treasure quest riddle -"What starts with an i, ends with an n and in between holds all your hopes and dreams?".  Some of my fellow treasure seekers answered the riddle with equally valid answers, such as:  intention, inspiration and intuition.

Imagination, intention, inspiration and intuition all play a significant role in our lives.  You think of the many inventions and ideas that have changed the world, came from this fierce foursome.  I think of Einstein, his discoveries and inventions.  If he had not been inspired to use his imagination and intuition with an adamant intention in his thought experiments, none of his contributions would exist.

Each of the answers to the daily riddles were(are) of great importance to me and my quest in life.  And these words represent some of my favorite places to be.  Diving into imagination is an incredible treat to me.  It's the spice of my life!  Plus, when I can flow into my imagination, some of the best solutions and ideas come to be.  I also LOVE to watch Greg problem-solve, invent and excel in life from his amazing imagination.

There's twice baked potatoes waiting for me to pull them out of the oven and Greg's calling me from the other room, to see the latest in the Olympics.  I intend to jump into the inspiration of writing from my imagination and intuition again soon.

Love you all!!

PS...I had so much fun using my imagination to put the final touches on the treasure quest prize packages that will be sent out tomorrow!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Secret Passageways

The hidden image in day four of the treasure quest, was a key.  One of the definitions I found for the word "key" was, "provides a means of gaining access to or the understanding of something".  I used the word "portal" on that day, too.  Portal:  a doorway, gate or entrance; providing access.  To me, a portal is the access to a world previously unknown.   I see the image of a keyhole as an exciting symbol of both the portal and the key.  These magical keyholes illustrate moments in life that provide gateways to insight, wisdom, growth and understanding.

One of my favorite things is finding these portals.  When I shared day four's treasure quest post on Facebook, I described it as a "quest within a quest within a quest".  I was realizing by this point that the treasure quest was so much more than I had planned on.  It began as a fun endeavor I was leading others on (quest - I)), turned out I was also on an important pilgrimage myself (within a quest - II) and there were portals along the way if I was open to receiving the key (within a quest - III).

One of the hidden portals during this quest was a passageway into understanding what I would need on the most sacred excursion of my life.  The key that I needed, in order to gain access to this hidden passageway, was the very answers of my own riddles - self-worth, listening to my heart, remembering to open myself to receive the gifts that life wants to give.  A quest within a quest within a quest.

I believe these portals and their keys are all around, waiting for us to open our eyes to them.

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."  W.B. Yeats
Greg and I found this treasure in Nashville, Tennessee for our sixth year anniversary gift of iron in 2015.
This portal travels with us wherever we go.  

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Desert Gateway

An unlikely portal

 Your journey begins 

and somewhere in between,

you've become a queen.  

Who knows what one will find within. 

More to come about the theme of treasure quest riddle answer, key🔑, in Unlikely Portals.  A little artistic taste of where we'll go.  I've waited too late to give the topic it's due, tonight.  It's 8:30pm here in the desert of Las Vegas and that time is obviously not my "best time" for writing.  Hahaha.  By the way, the picture above was taken Thursday, on a beautiful desert road near Red Rock Canyon.  

Friday, February 16, 2018

Embracing the Gifts of Life

When I look at this picture, I see two luminous souls lit up with love for each other.  It's my Mom on the right and her sister, Goldie on the left.  Both have already moved on from the world as we know it, but their powerful presences in my life have not.

I am filled to the brim with love, emotion and adoration, as I stare at this image.  I chose this picture to talk about the powerful act of receiving.  Both of these extraordinary women, in this picture, were taking in, basking, receiving the immense love for each other.  It's the most beautiful thing.  Heart to heart.  So much joy.  Nothing else matters, in that moment.  Goldie's sparkling eyes and sunshine smile, Mom's titanic embrace and the look of pure love on her face.  I've almost lost myself in this moment, caught in time.  What was I talking about?  Receiving.  Receiving love, help, guidance, gifts, answers.  There's an abundance of life's wonders waiting to be embraced by us.

The simple yet powerful act of receiving can sometimes elude us.  Why?  Oh, I believe there are many reasons.  We don't think we deserve it, we're too busy to notice what's being offered, we think it might make us look weak, we'll lose control...  Have no fear, we can easily remedy any of these.  All we have to do is be aware.  Take a moment.  Breathe.  Look around.  Open ourselves to the gifts the world around us, is beaming our way.

In the beginning of the treasure quest I held, I thought it was all about me giving.  I would write treasure filled posts each day, offering riddles to be solved and in the end, send mystery gift packages to the winners.  What I noticed, when I took a moment to see the beauty unfolding, that I was the one receiving a treasure.  I received invaluable feedback about life.  My life.  Life in general.  There's so much more to this topic.  As with most of my posts, they are "to be continued" stories.  I will touch on this again and again until I feel I've explored it with the depth it deserves.

PS...the mystery, magical treasure packages will be in route soon.

To all who find yourself here, reading these words, thank you for being.  It's been an honor to receive you in this sacred place.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Random Photo Journal Post

A dancing photobomb
Today's a full day of exploring (on the inside and out and about).  Instead of feeling rushed as I write, I decided to make this a random photo journal post.  Here are five random glimpses into our time in Las Vegas thus far.  Since today is a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse, a few of the excursions of the day will be within.  I'll be spending sacred time contemplating new intentions for my life (more on this in another post).  We'll also connect with Greg's Sister again for a saunter around town before she leaves the desert to head back East.

The Sun and The Cactus

My writing buddy

Elvis entertains as the Black Panther walks on

Goooollllddddd Bathrooms!  Ha!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Big Love

What better day to contemplate self-worth and letting our heart guide us, than Valentine's Day.  The next few posts will be discussions or writings about the important (to me) riddle answers from the treasure quest.   Yesterday, I wrote a little about the recurring picture themes that were hidden in the treasure hunt - trees, light and a compass (our inner guidance).  I promised I would expound more on trees and light and how they dazzle me and I will soon.  Today, I wanted to write about the riddle answers from day one and two - Confidence and Heart.

Knowing your own self-worth and listening to your heart for guidance.  

Today is a interesting day.  It's loved by many and loathed by maybe as many.  I personally love any reason to celebrate.  I also love inclusion.  For some, the reason they may dislike this heart-full day is because they don't feel included in it.  It is "advertised" as a day about couples.  Those who may consider themselves "single" may feel left out.  Who wants to be left out on a day in your life!?  No one.  

I would like to propose a new way to see Valentine's Day that will delight any and everyone, no matter who you are.  What if Valentine's Day reminded us all to, first, love ourselves immensely and what comes as a result, is abundance of love in EVERY other relationship.  When we know our own self-worth, love ourselves for exactly who we are and who we are becoming, that sweetness can not help but draw to us even more love.  

What if when we saw February 14th on the calendar, we saw a big ole' love fest day that began with filling ourselves with so much love that it overflowed onto the people in our lives.  No matter where you stood in your life, you would feel the love and be a beacon to love to everyone.  It would begin with the cupid arrow into our own heart and flow from there to the loves of our lives.  

I think when we cultivate and nurture the relationship with our own heart this automatically impacts and inspires the relationships we have with others.  I'm sure most have read the quotes and literature that explains that we can only love others to the extent we love ourselves.  And just like other relationships in our lives, it's a journey, we are constantly learning how to love ourselves.  

Confidence and Heart.  Those were the riddle answers in the first two days of the treasure hunt and it is uncanny how well they go together.  Knowing our self-worth comes when we make it a priority to love ourselves, to understand ourselves.    To be un-afraid to revel in our gifts and strengths and to be patient and kind with what we consider our weaknesses.  Our heart has much wisdom for us if we take the sacred time to listen.  When I say heart, I mean the part of us that holds our hopes, dreams, purpose and so much more.  It's place in us, that when we tune into it, it will lead us home.  When I say our heart is our truest guide, I mean it whispers in a powerful way the  unique purpose we are here for.  It lets us know through it's own language, where to go.  

Today, I give myself big love!  Today, I give my friends and family big love!  And today, I definitely will give my darling, Greg, big love.  

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Love, Light and Trees

Trees and Light.  Tree Light.  Light-filled trees.  It lights me up!  There were three picture themes through-out the ten day treasure challenge.  The final riddle was to find one object hidden within every post.
Wearing the final riddle answer.

The compass was in every treasure hunt post, sometimes in plain view and sometimes hidden.

The compass rose found throughout the treasure quest symbolizes the constant support of our inner guidance system when navigating the adventure of our lives.  I'm wearing it on my heart in the picture above, which points to how I feel our heart plays an important part in guiding us through life.  This will be an in-depth contemplation in the near future.

There were two other picture themes I consciously chose for each post.  Trees and some source of light.  Light streaming through tree branches, dappled on leaves, hanging from all thrills me!  On a daily basis, I find myself drawn to the magic that these two create together.
Sunlight through a crystal in a tree

Full moonlight through stained glass hanging in a tree
Such delights!
Flower Power!
Love light!
There's much more to say on this subject but I'm running out of time.  I have a date with Greg's sister at Fremont Street in Downtown Vegas.  We'll just have to continue this tree-ific conversation.

Monday, February 12, 2018

And the winners are!!!!!!

WoweeewoweeeeeeeeeWOW!  I celebrate you.  All of you who romped along beside me, in this quest escapade - those of you who bravely solved the riddles and those who were the silent yet potent observers.  You are all magnificent.  I celebrate us!  One way I like to celebrate is to give creative, magical gifts to others.  Before I announce the three fellow explorers, who will receive mystery magical packages, I want to give you the answers to each daily riddle.

  1. Self-Worth, Self-Confidence, belief in oneself
  2. Heart - Our heart as our guide in this grand adventure of life.  
  3. Receive - Remembering to receive from life.  Gifts, feedback, love and so much more
  4. Key - There was a key hidden in an enigmatic portal picture.  Keys to life are all around us. 
  5. Imagination - Many guessed other amazing answers such as intuition, inspiration and intention.
  6. Leap, Stretch, Play were hidden words.  A few ways to grow outside of comfort zones.
  7. Sparky - A spunky, playful Prairie Dog showed up in the Harry Potter World pic.
  8. The magic starts in your thoughts - Everything begins as a thought!
  9. "Sister Tree, you teach let go, to let my colors show and I am beautiful" lyrics in a song by Ash Wahl
  10. Compass - our inner guidance system - our heart, our feelings, our intuition

There are MANY wonderful themes within this quest we went on together, that pertain to an amazing adventurous life, in my opinion.  These themes will be pondered in the next week of blog posts, including a post tomorrow revealing "extra credit" answers in depth.

Without further adieu!!!!!!  The winners of the magical, mystery treasure quest are...

  • D Rose Jones - Not only did she answer every riddle but she was the first to solve the final riddle!  
  • Katie Gavin - Katie also solved every riddle, was the second to solve the final riddle AND the only one to attempt the extra credit!
  • Lisa Brisson - Lisa solved four riddles with answers that related the the quest to things in her life.  
Congratulations Adventuresses!!!!  Soon, you will receive a "treasure chest" of ✨ten magical items✨.  I will let you know when it is on it's way to you.  It will be just a few days from now.  

I also decided a few other trailblazers deserved a treasure sent to them.  Each of these explorers, listed in bold, will receive an honorable mention treasure in the mail (send me a message of what address you would like your mystery treasure to be sent).  
  • Erin Nourie - Erin answered three of the riddles and she gave great insight in her answers.
  • Aeryn North - Aeryn responded to three of the riddles(answered two and attempted the third) AND she's the only international quester (in a magical place called, the United Kingdom)!
  • Deborah Swann - Answered with her own creative flair three of the riddles.  
  • Ash Wahl - Ash answered three of the riddles, she was a muse of one of the riddles AND her birthday was our last quest day!
  • Beckie Baxter-Calvert - Beckie answered four riddles, was the muse of one of the riddles AND her birthday was the same day she was a muse.  
  • Phyllis Owens - Phyllis jumped in on the last few quest days as an amazing cheerleader.  She inspired me through her support on many of my magical journeys AND her birthday was the last day of our quest!
Alicia Inshiradu, Tristen Patriz and Debbie Garrett Hyde, I salute you in joining in with one or two of the riddles!!!  You rock!

Thank you for being a part of my treasure quest team.  I honor and celebrate you all!  Those who played and those who followed along.  Mwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Magical Jackpot Day!

The last day of our treasure quest is here!!!  What a trip!  As I mentioned in previous posts, this ten day adventure has been such a delight and has offered many jewels of wisdom for me, along the way.  I hope that my fellow explorers have enjoyed themselves as well.  Thank you for coming along!  ðŸ’–

There has been three consistent themes in each day of our ten day treasure hunt.  One of the themes has been an object, sometimes in plain view and sometimes hidden.

The riddle to solve the entire quest is to discover what essential object has been present throughout our journey. ⭐

Find the object (sometimes in plain view, sometimes hidden) that is in all 10 days of the treasure quest posts - Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 and today's picture.

In the picture above, I've hidden many images but only one of them will you find in all ten treasure quest posts.  Good luck Wayfarers!!!

There are treasures in every day of our life if we are open to them.  It's been a pleasure to play around with this idea and even more fun that I'll be sending a magical jackpot to three of you!!!  xoxo

As a reminder, here are who the winner's will be:

  • the person who solved the most individual post riddles 
  • the first person to solve the final riddle on February 11th
  • and a mystery champion - how they are selected will be revealed at the end.

  • Extra credit:  I mentioned there are three themes in every single treasure quest post.  If you really want a challenge, discover what three I am referring to.  This task is much more difficult.

    Saturday, February 10, 2018

    Sparkling Sister

    My amazing sister! 💖
    Ahhhhh...only two more days in our treasure quest adventure.  I've learned so much and plan to write in-depth blog posts about these jewels of wisdom in the coming days.  The next few days will be all about celebration.  It's the weekend AND today is my sister's birthday!  Joyful, bright and beautiful with a spirit full of immense love, she is a magnificent force in this world.  I'm honored to have her as my sister and close friend.  
    A day she took me on a breathtaking and beautiful adventure in the wilds of West Virginia.
    The quest challenge today will be a treat!  Below is a song written and performed by my enchanted faerie friend, Ash Wahl (who's birthday is tomorrow!!!).  In her magical song, what lyric pertains to the blog theme today?  
    To know more about this singing ethereal sprite, you can find her here:  

    🌟   Ash Tree Faery   ðŸŒŸ

    Tomorrow will be the last day of our treasure quest voyage together.  Thanks to all who have played along.  Soon, treasure care packages will be finding their way to three fellow explorers.  I wanted to give you a head's up that tomorrow's post will be earlier in the day, like today's entry.  Good luck, questers!

    Friday, February 9, 2018

    Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs

    A sign when you enter into the magical forest of Sequoia.  It was a delight every time I saw that sign.  Plus, it's fun to imagine you are entering a realm of giant mythical creatures (which the trees were very much that).
    Have you had those days where you feel like there are hidden messages in the most ordinary things.  It's been like that for me lately.  It doesn't hurt to view your daily life with a sense of humor, a sense of wonder, finding intrigue in the mystery and a healthy juicy portion of imagination.

    Today's riddle in our treasure quest is to find the hidden message in the next two pictures.


    Good luck on day eight's challenge!

    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    Unicorns, Groundhogs and Prairie Dogs, oh my!

     I'm feeling fairy playful and spritely today!  A surge of creative energy is shimmering within me.  There may be some quirky, delicious excursions happening in the near future due to this spectacular feeling.  My unicorn decided not to come to Vegas, but I'm sure whatever whimsical adventures I get into will be equally as fabulous.
    I can't believe it is day seven of our treasure quest together.  This jolly quest began on Groundhogs day and what more spunky, playful day is there in American holiday traditions?  Seriously, we celebrate a groundhog who hopefully doesn't see his shadow!  Gosh, I love this stuff.  This picture shows Prairie Dogs near Devil's Tower Monument in Wyoming.  They may not be Groundhogs but they're just as adorable AND they make me think of playfulness.
    I believe the cutie standing tall in the middle is Sparky.  I'm not the best interpreter of the Prairie Dog language, but that seemed to be his name.    
    Today's quest challenge is to find what is out of place in the frolicsome collage below.