Friday, March 12, 2010

A Confession

I would like to admit that some of my recent blogs have been written hastily and with not as much thought as I normally put into them.  The reason is that I have not designated a time for the blog lately.  It's been done at night when I am winding down.  I will make sure that it will have it's very own time block in my day.  With that being said, tonight will be another brief one.  I'm doing a triathlon on Sunday.  The most important night for sleep when gearing up to do a race is two night before the actual event.  I need to be asleep in the next few minutes because tomorrow will begin early.

I will try my best to create a thoughtful, thorough blog tomorrow.  I will not be without a good amount of material to talk about.  Tomorrow will be a fun filled, informative adventure.  Those two adjectives (fun filled, informative) do not normally describe the same thing do they?  Well, that is exactly what it will be.  I'll expound on this in the next post.


  1. Ah, I see the first gap in your blogging, but I think that's ok because you are a silver medalist now!!!!! Congratulations!!! Also in light of what you wrote in this blog, a previous blog had mentioned morning as your favourite time to write it. Perhaps the allocated time should be in the morning then? You are a super star! Love

  2. You must have blogging dips so you can have peaks too! And you appear to have many of them! You look great - I love the post about connecting with people and living your life with respect for others. (I'm finally climbing out of a year long blogging dip, probably more of a hole, myself). :)
