Thursday, March 4, 2010

Driver's Ed and Balancing Life

Now that I've finished the book that had so much of my attention, maybe I'll have a little more energy to put into my blog.  I feel like I've rushed some of my past entries only so that I could get back to Scarlett.  Am I being a hypocrite?  I say in my blog to soak up every minute of your life because it is your adventure yet I still crave to dive into a really good book (for hours, I've been reading since I got off work).  They've always taught you that books were so good right?  Then why do I feel like I have some addiction.  Can you be addicted to reading?  I guess it's better than some alternatives...but that's all relative.

I guess it comes to the age old wisdom of finding a balance.  It's like how I learned to not when I scared everyone in Mr. Phillips Driver's Ed car by whipping onto Interstate 95 like a bat out of Hades.  It's like when you have your hands on the steering wheel and you learn to constantly make small adjustments in your steering to keep the car driving straight.  With balancing the facets of your life (family, career, health, emotions, etc) it takes constant small adjustments to balance our ever changing lives.  There is no secret formula that once you get this right and that right you've achieved a harmony of it all.  It's takes us paying attention to the signals in our path.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny to think we were both learning on Interstate 95 me up in Rhode Island and you down here!
