Monday, March 1, 2010

30 Day Challenge completed!

Here we are at the finish line!  Day 30 out of my 30-day blog challenge.  My tendency, that I'm fighting against right now, is to blaze right over this accomplishment.  I've noticed that often I don't stop to properly celebrate the reaching of a goal.  Instead my thoughts rush to the next step.  For instance, I was preparing on how I was going to do justice to a description of my Mom (which I will save for another post soon), remark on some of the comments from last post about Mom (thank you Bustling Butterflies and Niki), and decide/introduce what my plan was going to be from here out in this single blog post.  Then it dawned on me...I've reached my goal.  This should be a celebratory post!

Wooohooo!!!  There is also something else that is even a better reason to celebrate.  My Dad called today with great news from the doctor.  His cancer is contained and will be treatable!  Wait a minute, while we're in the party's my hubby's birthday tomorrow!  I could go on with this list of wonderful things but I'll stop before I get too excited and can't go to sleep.  It's amazing how your thoughts can totally alter your world.  In the span of a few minutes of writing I have transformed my whole outlook.  I began writing with a bit of apprehension on fitting so many subjects into one post. Once I realized I needed to appreciate the right now... my 30 Day Challenge victory, my Dad's treatable cancer and my sweetheart's birthday, my tune quickly changed.

I need this blog.  It has been more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.  I want you to know that your comments and the fact you read this has touched me in so many ways.  I plan to keep writing about fergitude.  I want this adventure to continue.  I hope to have you beside me in our journey.


  1. Congrats, Nicole! You did an awesome job and I have loved reading each and every one of your posts. It has definitely made me stop in my tracks a few times to soak in an extra minute of an achievement or help me see the reason for a struggle. I'm really glad you have decided to continue and can't wait to share in your adventures and fergitude!

  2. Yay!! Congratulations!! You are absolutely fabulous! (make sure you say that in an English accent) he he
