Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scarlett and My Mom

As I read "Scarlett", the sequel to "Gone With The Wind" I think about the strong women in my life.  The main character in these two books is the symbol of spunk, resolve and shrewdness.  You definitely do not fall in love with her from the start.   At times I was actually horrified by her character in the book "Gone With The Wind".  She was extremely selfish and made most of her decisions without considering the hurt that they caused others.  Even with that repugnance, you could not help but be inspired by her strength and resilience.  In the second book, it portrays Scarlett growing more of a conscience and depth of character.  I'm a little over halfway through the book "Scarlett" and have had a hard time putting it down.  Scarlett has times reminded me of the strength, passion and fortitude I've seen in some of the women in my life.  My thoughts at this moment are on my Mom.

I hope to one day be able to put in words the type of woman my Mom was.  I've struggled with how to adequately describe her to those who never had the chance to know her.  I realize I'm bias, but the woman was extraordinary.  Scarlett's character in the second book is really starting to remind me of my Mom.  Pluckiness comes to mind first.  Scarlett and my Mom had nerves of steel.  It's so much fun to hear the stories and reminisce of all the times I (we) remember my Mom going into "battle".  She did not back down from anything.  This naturally flows into another similiarity between Mom and Scarlett.  They would do whatever it took to take care of those they loved.  Most of the stories or memories of Mom's resolve come with her protecting me, my brother or another family member.

The willingness to buck society's rules is another.  In both of these books, Scarlett rebels against the "rules" of her day when they did not serve to her liking.  I smile as I write that Mom had a similar disposition.  I'm starting to flounder on how to describe this well.  Instead of rushing myself, I'm going to continue this thought with my next (the 30th) post.  I can tell you this I have a huge smile on my face right now.  It's hard not to get one when you think of someone you love and admire this much.

I'm really glad this post turned in to what it did.  I feel a surge of emotions right now and they are all very good.  It makes me so happy to think about my Mom.  How my Mom and Dad...and many others have been such a integral part in this fantastic fergitude.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicole, your mom WAS extraordinary. I always think of her when I am at the elementary school volunteering with Sydney's class, on a field trip or eating lunch with her. I remember she used to bring you lunch every day when we were in middle school.
    What I remember most about her is when we were younger, she would spend a lot of time with us at school. She was so wonderful and nice. Do you remember when she came to help us make the dinosaur in Mrs. Phillips class? That thing seemed to be so HUGE. I rode by Mr. Phillips house a few years ago and it was still in the front yard, it's kind of small, but we were really young. Your mom was always doing special things for everyone. She would make homemade suckers, shirts, buttons, be at all the games and just small things that meant a lot. I never knew what effect your mom being so caring and nurturing to you and your friends would have on me personally. The time she spent with us at school and in the community makes me want to be more like her and be that kind of mom to my own girls. She was one of a kind.

  3. I have a feeling of being in awe of you, your mum too, but really you in the way that we are learning so much about you as a person. I know you've told me a lot of these things before but it somehow makes me sit back and see the whole to have you writing it all. I'm not expressing myself completely right but I am in awe of you. You are EVEN more amazing and I didn't think you could get more amazing :)Love

  4. Bustling Butterflies: What you said about Mom was wonderful. Thank you for sharing that with me. I do remember the dinosaur!! Wasn't his name Rockefeller? That was so much fun building him. He did seem gigantic.
    Niki the Noodle: WOW! Whatever I did to receive that description, I want to make sure I do a lot more of it! Thank you Niki. I think we are such good friends because we think the same of each of other. We continue to amaze each other with our awesomeness.
