Saturday, February 24, 2018

Learning from Trees

The answer to the ninth riddle in the treasure quest was a verse in a song written and sung by a faery.  The adventurers on the quest had to find a lyric in the song that pertained to that day's blog theme.  Here's the verse:  
"Sister tree, you are a friend to me. Sister tree, you show me how to be. In the Autumn time, I watch your colors show. You teach me to let go and you are beautiful. And in the Autumn time, you teach me to let go and let my colors show and I am beautiful."
In the song, the artist tells a story of the profound wisdoms she has learned, through the seasons, from her beloved family of trees.  Have a listen...

There are many themes found in the ninth treasure quest day that are dear to me.  My sister, trees, my friend's who are sisters and how all three have taught me so much in life, including what Ash Tree Faery sings..."you teach me to let go, let my colors show and I am beautiful".

I'll be turning 40 this year and am embracing even more than I ever have of these invaluable wisdoms.  To let go and release the limitations (worry, fear of disapproval, etc) that may have interfered in the past from me showing up as my authentic self.  Each day that I write to you in this blog, I'm letting go more and more.  In the past, I worried about how you would receive me or not receive me.  I worried that I would be judged.  These thoughts/concerns/worries in the past would have either kept me from continuing on or even beginning.  I'm not saying that these old thoughts have gone away.  I am saying that I am more aware of them and how they have not served my highest good in the past.  Nowadays, I notice them and remind myself that I do not have to let them guide my life.  Instead, I let my heart guide me.  Let my colors show and I am beautiful!  Through the release of what I just described, I open myself to let my colors show, with heart wide open and embrace the unique beauty that I am.

I appreciate being able to share this with you, whoever is here with me.  You are a part of this journey I am on.  I hope as I share about my quest, that it enriches yours.  For today and all of our days, let us learn from the trees, from our sisters and our brothers, from this sweet song - to let go, let our colors show and to always remember we are beautiful, just the way we are.

PS...while I was writing this blog post, Greg calls me in from the other room to see Olympic ice skater from Russia, Alina Zagitova do her final skate.  Now that is one 15 year old who has truly embraced the wisdom I am describing!  15 years old!  WOW.

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