Monday, February 26, 2018

Treasure Trove Tango

Today I want to spend some quality time exploring the symbolism in the mystery, magic treasure packages that were sent to the three winners of the quest.  I also sent honorable mention treasure packages to six adventurers who played a significant role in the quest, as well.  I am assuming (but not completely sure) all treasures have made it to their rightful owners with the exception of our international winner (hers has to travel across the "pond").  I will follow up with a post in the next few days describing the meaning behind the contents in the honorable mention treasure packets.  
D Rose was such a force in the unfolding of the treasure quest.  From day one, she did not miss a beat or post.  She tackled each riddle with detective eyes and a playful heart.  Her joyful participation fueled me along in the quest.  I was honored to have her take such an avid interest in this experience. Starting from left to right in the picture above, I would like to tell the story of her treasures.  The card is a colorful, vibrant, full of pizazz "thank you" card.  This card's personality reminds me of D Rose.  She is bright, strong and full of vibrant love.  I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her presence in the quest.  Next, you see a turquoise calendar with the bible verse, "Be Still".  This treasure item symbolizes many of D Rose's super powers - intentional, dedicated, faithful, playful and  dynamic.  She approached the quest as I imagine she approaches all things in life - committed, thorough, infusing her own unique flair and full of vitality.  On the calendar are three small but special treasures - a cross for her incredible faith, a key ~ symbolic for all treasure questers that represents each adventurer being able to access the many gateways to riches in our individual journeys and the tree doubloon ~ there are a few treasures that have connection not only with the recipient of the treasure but also the connection we now have through our journey together.  This tree is very special to me for many reasons and there's a sacred message on the flip side of the tree coin that is unique to the treasure winner.  Next, you'll see a journal with a tropical bird on it.  I wanted the three winners to have journals that reminded me of them.  This journal is classy and quality with touch of vivacious fun.  A journal for each quest winner to use in their journey as they see fit.  On the journal lies seven treasures.  The rose quartz, gifted to each of the treasure winners symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, nourishment and a sense of fulfillment and contentment.  As we all navigate this wild ride of life, the rose quartz treasure reminds us to make sure we gift ourselves the self-love and nurturing that we need along the way.  The green onyx(this stone is known as a quartz and an onyx) bird figurine represents D Rose's soaring strength, joy, benevolent spirit and her enthusiasm for life.  This stone bird is a beacon of balance, self-confidence, happiness and good-fortune.  The sea urchin spine personifies the spunk, moral fiber and fortitude that D Rose exhibits and that we all need in our expeditions of life.  The clear crystal quartz was an intimate piece of mine and Greg's collection gifted to each fellow quest mate.  Greg and I mined these clear crystals ourselves during our 9th anniversary adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year  I wanted each person to know how special they are to me for traveling along this quest path.  The hematite ring - just as in the epic movies based on Tolkien's books, there was a powerful ring involved, this hematite ring was given to each of the treasure quest winners as a symbol of powerful connection to this planet, to each other and to the world.  It symbolizes us making way for more positivity into our life through our logical thinking, self-esteem, focus and being grounded.  There is a heart in each of the treasure quest winner packages with one word that reminded me of the specific winner.  In D's treasure chest, her heart says Joy.  The heart speaks to much in our quest as I described here.  Unique to D Rose's gift of treasures is the rose that is lying on her journal.  I wanted to make sure there was a special rose incorporated into her treasure as a way of honoring her name, and was delighted when I found this one.  As we travel right in the picture above, you'll see a colorful painting with the bible verse, "Love Never Fails".  I thought this was a beautiful tribute to D Rose's essence.  And her treasure package would not have been complete without a flamingo somewhere in the mix.  I was overjoyed when I found, "Embrace Your Inner Flamingo" piece.  I hope when she sees this flamingo she is reminded what a wonderful impact she has on those in her life by being her.  Almost all the treasure recipients received a tea from my own healing herbal tea collection.  I chose the bursting with color, full of nourishment, Hibiscus Tea for D Rose.  Here's a few of the health benefits of Hibiscus:  manages blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, protects the liver, anti-cancer properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, relieves menstrual pain, anti-depressant qualities, improves digestion, satiates thirst, etc.  Last but not least is a piece my husband wanted to make sure was incorporated.  We made sure each package had a vivaaaaaaaa Las Vegas token.  The token represents the luck we find in our life when we strive for our dreams - when we stretch, play and leap out of our comfort zones to live life to the fullest.  

When I envisioned describing each treasure piece for the three winners, I did not realize the extent I wanted to write about them.  To make sure Katie and Lisa's treasure stories get as much attention and quality time, I've decided to dedicate tomorrow's post to describing each of their magical treasures.  Thank you for your patience!  xoxoxo

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