Monday, February 1, 2010

The Choice is Yours

"You can get with this or you can get with that." Black Sheep (tribute to 90's Rap) The choice is yours. When you say that to yourself, do you feel the power? I do. I feel like Whoopi Goldberg's hyena character in "The Lion King" when she hears the name Mufasa. Ooh...say it again! The choice is yours. Let's just dissect some choices of the average weekday evening adventure.
  • try out a new dish ~ could lead you down the path of a new yumminess
  • impulsively hug/kiss the closest person to you ~ could bring instant happiness to the receiver and you
  • text your brother to tell him you're giving him a wake up call at 5am ~ could bring accountability in both of your workout goals
  • write an entry in your blog ~ could learn more about yourself and touch others
  • go over your plan for the next day ~ could set your mind at ease and prepare you for tomorrow's adventure
  • finishing painting the picture you promised your sister-in-law for Christmas ~ could release some of the guilt
  • curl up with a book and fall asleep ~ could bring you bliss
  • yoga ~ could elongate your body, bring peace/tranquility and prevent injury in other pursuits such as triathlons, half-marathons, etc.
  • long hot bath ~ could be just what the doctor ordered

My mind is a little fuzzy from my expedition today. It went a little something like this...I chose to be up at 5am to arrive for the 5:45am bike session with my tri club, contacted four leads about properties they're interested in, worked with new clients(marine scientists) that just drove in from the Bayou(the majority of my voyage!), checked in with current clients about their transactions, paid some bills, offered to help a friend move. Altogether it was about 11 hours of non-stop talking and a very productive day. Now it is time to reflect, relax and rejuvenate myself with some good old-fashioned rest.

Just so you know, for my evening I chose happiness, accountability, learning, and bliss. What did you choose?