Thursday, February 18, 2010

You Impact Me and Vice Versa

The experiment opened my eyes to how we all give of ourselves and that we receive as well.  Each of us impact those around us without even realizing.

There were times yesterday when I would get caught up in the "rat race".  You know...the rushed feeling of deadlines, emergencies, time management.  Thankfully I put the ring on that reminded me I was suppose to be paying attention and being aware.  Even with reminding myself to pay attention, some of the special moments did not sink in until this morning.

This blog is about how I choose to see my life as a daily adventure.  Now that is exciting, but you know what is even more thrilling?  The fact that my adventure joins others on their adventures throughout the day.  The possibilities!  There were many examples yesterday of these special moments when the path of my journey connected with the path of another's.  I'll mention two of the instances.  One is how someone else's choice impacted my life in a wonderful way.  The other is how a choice I made caused a chain reaction of choices that lead to hope.  The first example is top secret.  I know...why did I even bring it up?  Suspense?  Probably.  Gratitude?  Definitely.  I'm grateful that a person made a decision based in kindness and love.  This individual will probably never know the impact they had, because you know it didn't stop there.  That loving choice infected me and others.  Just think of the domino effect.

Speaking of domino effects.  Close to the end of the day I received a call that invoked the emotion of despair in me, but my choice was not to surrender.  Yes I'm dramatic, but that is exactly how I felt.  I'll give you a little background information.  I'm a Real Estate Broker.  My clients become an extension of me.  What they want,  I want.  In this case, my clients have been trying to buy their dream home since June 09.  Their journey in trying to buy this house can be compared to climbing Mount Everest.  We've been steadily climbing, striving despite obstacle after obstacle.  These clients have exhibited extreme patience, determination and heart*.  The choice I made yesterday was to kick in my conviction to help my clients get over this seemingly unsurmountable wall.  It's like the unexplainable energy someone feels in the moment of an emergency.  That choice (plus the desperation in my voice) then impacted someone who was going to possibly play a vital role in helping these clients achieve their goal.  She is a lender with BB&T.  She made the choice to answer her phone all 5 times I called her despite the fact it required her to stay after work.  Without her, we would not have the hope we now have.  The hope that we may possibly make it over the finish-line in this Ironman Triathlon of a transaction.  By the way, one of these clients did the Ironman Half-Triathlon at the end of last year.  That is an indication of the strength of character they possess.

It's amazing that each decision made steers you in this remarkable journey called life.  In that journey our paths will meet and we'll never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Each of us impact those around us without even realizing. You say it so well. ( and relates so well to my email) Big hug.
