Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Dad

In a past post, I wrote about how the challenges of our lives are important segments of our adventure.  I mentioned that it would be easy for me to write in that mindset at the time, because I was not currently experiencing a hardship.  I said, "It will be interesting the day I sit down to write to you when I am in the middle of a setback".

Here I am.  Yesterday was a demanding day from morning to evening with a devastating blow at the end.  I remember early in the day starting to let the demands get the better of me, but these words from my post came to mind "Seeing problems as an acceptable and normal part of our journey...face the challenge".  It's easy and almost habitual to try to suppress or get rid of the bad feeling/thoughts that come when you are experiencing a burden.  During one of the difficulties of yesterday, when my mind began to protest against the obstacles, I remembered these moments should be embraced.  What I was going through and feeling was important for me to be present in.  It definitely strengthened my mindset immediately.  I felt relief.  It felt good to accept my challenge.  Now with this attitude, I'm ready to find a solution and/or clues that the obstacles have to teach me.

As for the the news I received at 5:30 yesterday.

After an earnest conversation with my brother last night and reflecting on the way he(Dad) told me the news, I realize that my Dad is choosing to champion his diagnosis openly and with sincerity, fortitude, and judicious optimism.  My Dad found out yesterday that he has a "moderately aggressive" form of cancer.  It is known as treatable, as long as it is contained.  This is the beginning of this journey, and my Dad (who was and is a major factor in my fergitude) is navigating the current challenge with transcendent fergitude.  The original fergitude.

From here I will walk with my Dad (my family and all those who love him) on this pilgrimage with the collective fergitude mindset.  To relish everyday, to experience, to love those around me and to love me.  This is our life, and we are going to live it actively, with purpose and with hope.  What we choose at every turn contributes to the masterpiece that is our life.


  1. Cancer is the one word that frightens us to our very core...both the one who is diagnosed and the loved ones. Be positive, courageous and pro active about your dad's disease. Sounds like you are a very strong and vibrant person and I wish you and your family the best in your defining crisis. I signed up to follow your blog. Stop by my place for a Valentine and return the favor if you like.

  2. Your quote at the end is sooooo good. Did you come up with it? Brilliant. You are the masterpiece! "La Piece de resistance." (said in a french accent)
