Thursday, February 25, 2010

Living with Fergie's Fergitude

Tonight, I got home late from work and started cooking Greg and I dinner.  In a joking way,  I asked him if he would like to write a guest post on my blog.  He immediately started typing.  I thought to myself...this is my lucky night.  I was just so tired and felt I was losing steam fast.  I would have never imagined that he would write something like this.  He just blew me away.  Enough from is my very talented, one helluva man husband.

What it’s like living with Fergie’s Fergitude

First off, it’s contagious.  No matter how tough a day was had or what obstacles lay before her, she always maintains her positive outlook and strives to better herself and her situation.  Nicole’s optimism and Fergitastic mentality make it extremely difficult to dwell on my own day’s challenges or hardships, like I used to do pre-Fergie (I can still be a bitch though).

Secondly, it keeps me young.  Her genuine love and curiosity of all things new means I have to keep my mind open and prepared for any type of spontaneous activity, something out of my comfort zone. I found this actually keeps my mind sharp, instead of letting life’s routines and habits wear me down. I catch glimpses of excitement and wonderment in her eyes you only see in children.  When this happens I too feel like a child with the whole world ahead of me, and know 30 years from now those same looks from her will make me feel the same…young and carefree.

Lastly, it gives me purpose.  Witnessing her Fergitude helping friends, family and Mother Nature drives me to ensure her place in this world remains high above any hardships self created by greed, jealousy or anger.  To have someone so special love me, means more than any job, money or accomplishment ever could.  I want to do my best simply because I want what’s best for her, and that’s best for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Here here!!! You go Greg! Love the words "self created" hardships - that so many do have. Love you guys. N
