Every choice has it's outcome, right? In my world these are the jewels, clues and fruits of my adventure. Imagine Indiana Jones in his quests(the lost ark, temple of doom, etc).
Last night's blog for example was a clue. I saddled up to the computer to accomplish the mission of my second blog entry, despite the fact that my brain was going into sleep mode. As a result, I uncovered a clue...that my blog writing should be done in the morning.
Let's take it up a notch. My choice to go to a Memorial Day party in 2004 lead me to one of the most precious jewels yet, my husband. On a whim, I decided I would say yes to a friend's crazy suggestion to run a 5K in 2005...five years later I am a triathlete. Trying to always walk down the path of love, respect, compassion and integrity has brought riches(love, friendship, family...) that rival any treasure that Indiana Jones happened upon.
Today, my itinerary includes observing people plunging into a freezing body of water, aiding a friend in need, a voyage to Bald Head Island, research/work for my clients and being aware of all the jewels, clues and fruits along the way.
Every decision I make is yet another turn in my exploration of this fantastic life.
Singing the theme tune right now and love the picture!