Friday, February 19, 2010


This is post #20 in my 30 day blog challenge and it's Friday.  For both of these reason's the theme of this blog is going to be FUN!  Being on my 20th entry means I only have 10 more to achieve my goal of 30 days straight of blogging!  When I was 20 years old I was in the midst of an extremely fun college adventure.  Friday is the day of the week that the majority of the US looks forward to.  It represents freedom, fun and your time to frolic.  It's the day you get to shed the responsibilities of your job and immerse yourself into the things that bring you happiness.  Reading the updates of my friends on Facebook, it seems that this Friday has been longed for immensely.  Well, here we are!  It's Friday!  You only have a few hours between you and freedom (the weekend).  Yabbadabbadoooooo!!!!   (click on the Yabba to see how happy Fred Flintstone is when he reaches the end of his Friday workday as a "bronto crane operator" with Slate Rock and Gravel Company)

The weekends are not normally the end of my work week, but I still find them delightful.  Why?  If I am working, my clients are usually in great moods because it is their weekend.  Also...I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of what a Friday meant to me in school!  Not only did you have two days of no school, but it also meant Friday Night games (and school dances).  Still to this day, Friday rouses feelings of relief and anticipation of celebration.  The overall atmosphere of a weekend is jolly and easy-going.  It's a totally different feeling from "the work week".

What will you do for your weekend adventure?  I'm including today.  Even though you may be at work when after you have read this, your weekend adventure starts now while you're still there.  Notice how everyone around you is starting to loosen up preparing for the moment (when workday changes over to Friday night!). Let this happiness carry over into your work.  This will trigger even more merriment.  Before you know it your workplace will be buzzing with all types of good vibes.  Not only will you be spreading a contagious mood of glee but I believe that this phenomenon will also cause 5pm to happen a lot quicker (still needs to be researched).  It will be like your very own "pay it forward" movement.

Let's celebrate!  This is another day in our incredible journey.  Oh what kind of safari will we experience today?!

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