Monday, February 22, 2010


I believe it is time for an update on some of the things I've mentioned in my blog lately.
  • Last week my Dad had a "bone scan" to see if the cancer had spread to his bones.  He found out that his bones are free of cancer!  Now, he has an appointment to have an MRI to see if the cancer has spread to any other "soft tissue" this Wednesday.  This is all very encouraging news.  If the MRI shows that the cancer has not spread to any other organs then my Dad's cancer has been said to be treatable. I continue to be impressed by my Dad's attitude through all of this.
  • Greg and I attempted to make pizza from scratch on Valentine's Day.  The pizza turned out fantastic!  We were really worried about how the dough would do.  Between dealing with active yeast, and punching the dough...we were not sure if what we were doing would end up being edible.  It was more than just edible, it was delicious!  Not to mention how romantic.  It was definitely an accomplishment.
  • As for the "just keep swimming" motto...I definitely am figuratively.  Physically, I've had to take a break.  I have two big events coming up in 20 days.  They are the Azalea Triathlon and the Wrightsville Beach Half-Marathon.  This is NOT the time I would choose to take a break, but my body has made that decision for me.  I believe that a IT Band Syndrome has infiltrated my left knee and hip.  Although my body has been sending me faint messages for months, the first demand it made was the day I had to limp into Target to buy baby shower gifts (02/06).  The fact that running three miles on Saturday brought pain, means I have to take a break.  It's okay to just "float" every now and then in between the swimming.  Rest, relaxation, recuperation is important.  If you do not voluntarily make it important, then your body will force you to.
  • Remember the clients who were climbing Mount Everest?  They discovered their path (house) was no longer available to them after 8 months of dedication.  This would have made many climbers stop to be air lifted off the mountain.  These clients chose to keep going by finding another path.  This is an understatement of their resolve and strength of character.
From these updates I realize that our attitude will play a large role in the direction of our life.  While we are traveling in this direction we must strive to balance our resolve...our determination with ample rest and recuperation in order to be fruitful in our pursuit.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome about your dad!
    And would love to be a part of your 3Rs! Send me an email what your Wednesday is looking like?
    Love ya, Niki
